Imagine your next

immersive world

with the power of AI

Jumpstart your game development with JamSparks, our AI-powered game design scaffolding tool. Easily turn your ideas into complex characters, immersive worlds, and captivating stories. Overcome the first hurdle and lay a solid foundation for your creative vision with JamSparks

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AI generating ideas

How JamSparks Works

Step 1

1: Idea

Come up with an idea or concept and share that with us. Provide the initial details and vision you have for your game.

Step 2

2: Generate

We use AI to create a customized game scaffold based on your input, giving you structured ideas to kickstart your new project.

Step 3

3: Refine

Refine and tweak the generated scaffold until it matches your vision. Make adjustments to align with your creative goals.

Step 4

4: Create

Take your refined ideas to start designing your game. Use the scaffold as a foundation and let your creativity bring it to life.

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